Friday, April 25, 2014

Sylvia Yancey Magazine Slideshow

     This project overall went the fastest. I completed a majority of it in one day, though that was not my ideal time frame. Acquiring the contact information for Sylvia Yancey was the most difficult/time-consuming part, and were I to do it all over again, I would have begun trying to get the information a lot sooner. I was not pleased with the time crunch I had, nor the lack of ability to interview more than one person. Again, if I were to do it again, I would have made it more clear that I needed multiple people for the interview, and I would have tried to go back multiple days for more rounded shots.
     The only technical difficulty I experienced was the lighting in some shots turning more yellow than in others. Otherwise, shooting was fairly easy, though there was not much subject matter to shoot. I noticed that it is much easier to document and present nonprofit organizations, as they eager to share their messages, whereas it is difficult to present one human being, because though they might like sharing their story, they aren’t trying to broadcast it.

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